4 January 2017

Image of Media Students Visit the Harry Potter Studio Tour.

A group of Media Studies students went on a magical visit to ‘The Making of Harry Potter’ in London at the end of last term, as part of a careers trip organised by Miss Alford, Head of Media. 

The tour included a behind the scenes view of the studio, where there was opportunity to view a variety of props, costumes and set designs as well as understand how the designs were realised by the hundreds of staff who worked on the films. Students who also studied drama or Performing Arts found an extra dimension of interest in the trip, especially when looking at costumes or clips from the film. 

Feedback from attendees was that ‘It was amazing, I loved seeing all of the film sets and the special effects, it has inspired me to work in that industry.’ It seems all students enjoyed the experience with comments such as ‘total fan girl moment’ and ‘it made me realise how many different jobs there are available within the film industry’.

Below is a variety of photos and videos which were taken during the trip. Despite the 18 hour journey, all who went (including Miss Moore and Mr Smith) had an amazing time, it was definitely 'mischief managed' for Miss Alford, who was really pleased that the students felt inspired to work in an industry that can offer such a varied and creative career.