23 July, 12.30pm – 5 September 2021

Image of School Closed for Summer

All available staff will be in school on Friday 23rd July, so if you require a place in school for the remote learning, please let your child's Head of Year know.

At this stage, we then hope everyone enjoys a happy and safe summer break!

However, we will take this opportunity to share some information that you may wish to refer to in August as you get ready to return:

  • All existing students, please book a time slot for a LFD Test on the 1st and 2nd September (email sent to parents this week).
  • New year 7 start school on Monday 6th September at 8:40am.
  • All other students return on Tuesday 7th September, ready for an 8:40am start with form tutors (a reminder of form tutors and rooms will be sent out).
  • Please remember that due to the building work, there will be no visitor parking on site next year, so please consider this if deciding on where to pick your child up from school next year.
  • We will also update and share the uniform requirements so that there is no confusion around expectations when trying to get students ready for the new academic year, looking as smart as possible.

Thank you again for the message of support that so many have taken the time to send to school in recent days, they have made a world of difference during these difficult times. I know we are all worried about the impact of the last 18 months on students, but seeing how this year has gone, the quality of work and engagement and the relationship between staff and students, I am confident this is something we are managing brilliantly.

We will ensure that there is minimal impact on the academic and social development of the children, where we value their safety, their ability to form friendships and their general enjoyment of school, alongside the results they will one day go on to achieve.

Have a great summer.